Tuesday, August 31, 2004

We progressives could learn alot from Rush, if only we're willing to completely conceed our principals......

Rush Limbaugh's 18 Rules for Conservative Talk Radio

1: Never, EVER admit mistakes, no matter how glaring.
2: Avoid opposing viewpoints as much as humanly possible, especially if you don't have the slightest idea how to counteract them without babbling and spewing insults.
3: Blame the media for everything- except your popularity (and the occasional laudatory press from the likes of U.S. News).
4: Never, never ever EVER give your opposition any credit for ANYTHING, no matter how good, kind and competent they are. If Mother Theresa joins the Clinton staff, slam her like there's no tomorrow.
5: The only thing that deserves to be recycled is a joke.
6: Read as many newspapers as you can before a show, not to catch up on the news but to find pieces of "liberal bias" that you can automatically challenge without thinking.
7: Be as tasteless and tactless as possible. Tastelessness = bad press = support from dittoheads = big ego boost.
8: When you can't find any substantial basis for attacking your opponents, question their sanity, appearance, sexual lifestyle, etc.
9: Try to get plugged by celebrities, including Charles Barkley, George Brett and Charlton Heston.
10: Act as shocked, disgusted and offended as you possibly can when your opponents use the same tactics as you. Have a fit if they use them better.
11: Contradict yourself often, just to see if they're listening.
12: Accuse anybody who disagrees with you of being a "liberal". This is known as the "McCarthy Principle".
13: Despite the fact that it's a part of your agenda, racism is no longer acceptable and must be used as subtly as possible.
14: Support ANYTHING the G.O.P. does, no matter how stupid. If the G.O.P. actually did something so stupid that you can't possibly support it, say it didn't happen.
15: Jumping to conclusions is your best bet in a tough situation. If you can't find a reason for some bad occurrence, blame Clinton.
16: Bad things that happen to people are only funny if they don't happen to (a) Americans, (b) Conservatives or (c) you.
17: Create as many catchphrases, buzzwords and cliches as you can stand.


18: Pass off opinions as truths.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Dad's new fence at Rossmoor- a valiant attempt to keep the deer from the plants! Posted by Hello
here's a link to my friend Suzanne Joi's journal about driving across the country in a big truck with anti-bush administration messages painted all over it. It's well worth the read..... Code Pink Road Journal

Sunday, August 29, 2004

It turns out that astroturf is more than just a fake ground cover. It's also a fake grassroot campaign. Get it? Check it out here Corporations mimic grass-root campaigns

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Re-activist judges?

Monday, August 23, 2004

It's about time! Finally, a journalist takes the time to review what Kerry actually said, and how Bush characterized it.(well, MIS-characterized it) Read it here.

And also, from the same article, the hilarious tale of Bush trying to control the press corps:
"Now for an update on the White House's ongoing effort to kill the press corps. The White House travel office signed a contract last week with an airline called Primaris to fly the press corps to Bush events. The two-month-old company has only one airplane. True, media representatives gave their blessing to the deal. But that was before they learned that the company's president twice had his pilot's license revoked related to his flying of an "unairworthy" aircraft, that the chief executive flopped in his last attempt to start an airline and that the 15-year-old plane itself was damaged in a hailstorm a decade ago and spent most of the past two years mothballed in France."
What can I say?????

As the legal counsel to Texas Governor George W. Bush, Alberto R. Gonzales—now the White House counsel, and widely regarded as a likely future Supreme Court nominee—prepared fifty-seven confidential death-penalty memoranda for Bush's review. Never before discussed publicly, the memoranda suggest that Gonzales repeatedly failed to apprise Bush of some of the most salient issues in the cases at hand. It's horrifying. Read it here.

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